Gender equity + capacity development: Marriage proposal in the CGIAR Research...
If discussions at a recent research for development meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are to be believed, transformations are afoot at the intersection of gender equity and capacity development work...
View ArticleBuilding capacity for better conservation and use of Africa’s animal genetic...
Jeremy Ouedraogo, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, Burkina Faso By Diana Brandes-van Dorresteijn Jeremy Ouedraogo, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries in Burkina Faso,...
View ArticleAs livestock eat, so they emit: Highly variable diets drive highly variable...
Cattle being watered in Ethiopia’s Ghibe Valley (photo credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann). The most detailed livestock analysis to date, published yesterday, shows vast differences in animal diets and...
View ArticleWorld’s largest agricultural research partnership, serving 1 billion poor,...
Tanzanian Maasai help vaccinate their calves against lethal East Coast fever (photo credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann). CGIAR has doubled its funding in the last five years, from $500 million (in 2008) to $1...
View ArticleReducing aflatoxins in Kenya’s food chains: Filmed highlights from an ILRI...
Last month (14 Nov 2013), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) held a roundtable briefing/discussion for science journalists in Nairobi to highlight on-going multi-institutional...
View ArticleFurther unlocking the potential of maize: Dual-purpose is the new purpose of...
Maize field at Kampi ya Moto, Kenya (photo on Flickr by C Schubert/CCAFS). A September 2013 special issue of the scientific journal Field Crops Research describes research to improve, and make wider...
View ArticleHappy New Year! 20 top posts on ILRI News Blog in 2013
Improved goat shelter (illustration by ILRI/Birgit Boogaard). Thanks for your readership of, and participation in, ILRI’s News Blog in 2013. Before jumping full tilt into 2014, you might want to check...
View ArticleStorming the ivory towers: Time for scientists to get out, ‘get social’, to...
An evaluative framework for assembling an evidence base on the impacts of social learning. Figure 1 in Social learning and sustainable development, article by Patti Kristjanson, Blane Harvey, Marissa...
View ArticleILRI films on research helping Africa’s small-scale livestock keepers better...
Watch the following playlist of climate change films produced by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). These films describe how climate change is affecting millions of poor livestock...
View ArticleDeclan McKeever: ILRI and ILRAD lose a friend, with a personal tribute by...
Declan McKeever,a former scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), and its predecessor, the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), brilliant...
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